Boulder Opal Fields


The Queensland boulder opal fields occupy the largest or most geographically disperse opal occurrences throughout Western Queensland. The area goes from the Yowah opal district near to the NSW border and 70 kilometres west of Cunnamulla (some 1250 kilometres west of Brisbane), to as far north as Winton in Central Western Queensland, 180 kilometres north west of Longreach or 900 kilometres west of Rockhampton. As mentioned earlier, the first discovery of opal occurred at Listowel Downs on Blackall Station in 1869. In 1870 opal was discovered 100km to the east in “Barcoo” country not far west from Charleville, by Rev WB Clark, reported to the Royal Society of NSW in 1872 and displayed in an exhibition in the Vienna Museum of Natural History. In 1879 Herbert William Bond successfully floated an opal mining Company in London based on the ownership or leasing arrangements of several of the central Queensland opal mines.